
Released: 2020

Genre: Drama, Musical

Starring: Fin Argus, Sabrina Carpenter, Madison Iseman

"None of us are really promised tomorrow. We all just assume it's gonna be there." - Zach Sobiech

Life ends, there is no second thought on this. The thing that counts is what we decide to do with this one life of ours. This is the question around which this movie revolves. Clouds is a biopic (based on Clouds; A Memoir) of a teenage musician, Zach Sobiech, who suffered from osteosarcoma; bone cancer. In his senior year, when he gets to know that cancer has spread and his days are numbered, he decides to pursue his passion for music with his best friend and songwriting partner, Sammy Brown. They started from youtube and were offered a record deal in no time due to their rapid popularity and a little help from their teacher, Mr. Weaver. 

Unlike other cancer-related movies, romance is a side trope in it, a breath of fresh air. The screenplay provides a beautiful yet poignant insight into Zach's life. Many of the protagonist's dialogues are taken from the life of real Zach Sobiech which exhibits the efforts, of the movie-makers, to maintain the originality of the biopic. Although, all the soundtracks are of the original duo, are sung by Fin and Sabrina for the movie. Each and every song is thoughtful and catchy that you will keep singing it for days.

I lost the track of the number of times I cried while watching the movie but not all of the crying moments were sad. The transparency of each and every character is what makes this movie heart-touching. It made me re-think my actions and life philosophies. We need to live every day as it is our last. Follow your dreams, savor every moment, and be kind. Life itself is enough to give tough time to humans, we don't need to add to people's miseries. As they say "Live and let live".

Following are two of my favorite quotes from the movies:

"Most teenagers out there feel like they are invincible. Not the superman kind of invincible, the kind of invincible that tricks you into thinking tomorrow might be a better day to start chasing your dreams."


"You get to decide what matters most now. You get to choose what your painting is gonna look like."


  1. Excellent review. The movie truly drew me in. And your review does justice to the movie. Your choice of quotes from the movie perfectly highlights the movie itself while standing as a lesson on its own. Keep up the great work!


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