Dabbe: Curse of the Jinn



Released: 2013

Genre: Horror

Origin: Turkish

If you are looking for a terrifying and spine-chilling horror flick, your search stops here. Dabbe; Curse of the Jinn also known as ‘The Possession’ is 4th movie in the Dabbe series (it is not necessary to watch other parts to understand it). This movie presents Islamic view on jinns. It revolves around an alleged case of possession being tackled by an exorcist, Faruk, and a psychiatrist, Ebru, who is skeptic of paranormal activities. The possessed girl was named Kubra who stabbed her husband to death on the wedding night. As Faruk and Ebru try to discover the reason behind her possession several astounding truths are revealed which were also related to Ebru’s family.

Dr. Ebru wanted to make a documentary for her class project. Thus, this movie is shot like a documentary, and seems like a found footage. And it is actually based on a true incident. The storyline will keep you hooked till the end because of a major plot twist. The strong background story linked with facts proves the efforts made for this movie. All the actors did an outstanding job and the props seemed too real.

It is unlike the typical Hollywood horror movies involving jump scares. This one is not for watching alone at night. I watched it with a couple of cousins of mine, so it didn’t affect me that way but it is still imprinted on my mind. It changed my perspective on Internet especially, as it subtly touches the clash of technology and religion. Some scenes were quite disturbing. Nevertheless, it is worth a watch.


Picture retrieved from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.imdb.com%2Ftitle%2Ftt3069758%2F&psig=AOvVaw1tbKM1nBetSG53_yc16qVN&ust=1614249440508000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCKjn8fWpgu8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
